About the Competition

AsiaWPA International Photography & Videography Competition 2025 1st-Half is now underway.



Download Competition Rules for Complete Entry Specifications and File Preparation

Organised by AsiaWPA, the AsiaWPA Competitions have attracted thousands of creative artists from Asia and around the world to participate and challenge themselves.

Don't miss the chance and submit your stunning work in the 19 competition categories. Winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and Excellence Awards will receive trophies and/or winning certificates, as well as international recognition in the industry. Excellence Awards are presented to those who score over 80. You will earn AsiaWPA Award Points by winning 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and Excellence Awards. This will help you to move up in your membership tier.

Winners of 1st, 2nd and 3rd places and Excellence Awards in 2025 First-Half and Second-Half Competitions will have the chance to further win the AsiaWPA Annual Grand Awards, Gold Awards, Silver Awards and Bronze Awards in the Annual Final Judging held in late 2025/early 2025. Such awards will be presented during the AsiaWPA Award Ceremony Dinner to be held in 4 Feb 2026 Winning the AsiaWPA Annual Awards will also help you to move up in your membership tier.

Submission period is 28 Feb 2025 to 21 April 2025.

Seize the opportunity to challenge, capture and create. Submit your work NOW.

WHO MAY ENTER: This competition is open to all photographers and videographers from the world except where prohibited by law. The Entrant must be an individual person and must be over the age of 18. Photographers and Videographers must submit their work in their own personal name and in their individual capacity.  If the work is done by a team, they must first sort out the ownership issue and submit photography and videography work in the name of one (1) participant himself/herself. AsiaWPA reserves the right to disqualify the relevant work submitted if there is a dispute as to the ownership of the work.

If you have any further enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us on info@asiawpa.com.

Submission period is 28 Feb 2025 to 21 April 2025.

Enter Here : http://contest.asiawpa.com



Photography Categories:

1) Bride & Groom Together (Creative)

(Photo of bride and groom together, whether it is taken on an actual wedding day or not.  In the Creative Division, we accept compositing and panoramic stitching as well as the use of non-photographic elements) 


2) Bride or Groom Single (Creative) 

(Photo of either the bride or groom only, whether it is taken on an actual wedding day or not.  In the Creative Division, we accept compositing and panoramic stitching as well as the use of non-photographic element)


3) Bride & Groom Together (Original) 

(Original Photo of bride and groom together, whether it is taken on an actual wedding day or not. Entries must include (i) the original RAW file, (ii) .xmp raw settings file and (iii) a JPEG output file for verification. Except for minor adjustments of exposure / contrast / saturation / color temperature, no other adjustments, retouching, cropping are allowed.) Procedures in PDF


4) Bride or Groom Single (Original) 

(Original Photo of either the bride or groom only, whether it is taken on an actual wedding day or not. Entries must include (i) the original RAW file, (ii) .xmp raw settings file and (iii) a JPEG output file for verification. Except for minor adjustments of exposure / contrast / saturation / color temperature, no other adjustments, retouching, cropping are allowed.) Procedures in PDF


5) Bridal Party, Families & Friends

(Photos (candid or portrait) of the bridal party, wedding families and friends; must be taken during an actual wedding day.)


6) Wedding Day Details

(Shots of details taken on an actual wedding day, such as details of wedding rings, clothing, accessories, ornaments, etc.)


7) Wedding Day Photojournalism

(Documentary and candid photos taken on an actual wedding day, covering getting ready, ceremony, reception, etc., to capture all sorts of emotions and interesting moments in a photojournalism manner.  Photo manipulation is not allowed.) 


8) Engagement (not in wedding gowns) 

(Casual engagement photo of bride & groom together, or just the bride/groom alone. The subject must not be wearing formal wedding gown or other wedding clothing) 


9) Individual Portrait (Creative) 

(Creative, composite and/or commercial portrait photo work, with one single subject or multiple subjects) 


10) Individual Portrait (Classic) 

(Standard portrait photo work, with one single subject or multiple subjects. Composite work will NOT be accepted) 


11) Family & Group Portrait

(Portraits covering two or more people together, featuring their relationship, connection and story.  Not wedding related.)


12) Portrait (Baby, Kids & Maternity) 

(Portrait photo work of (i) babies or children (age of 18 or below), and or (ii) pregnanted women, with one single subject or multiple subjects.  Creative or composite work is acceptable.  Child porn and child nudity are strictly prohibited.  Adult women nudity is acceptable when presented in an artistic manner.) 


13) Fashion, boudoir & fine art nudity

(Portraits in trendy fashion, or portraits of adult subjects in nudity, semi-nudes, implied nudes presented in stylised and artistic manner.)


14) Animals & Pets

(Photos featuring all kinds of animals amd pets as the main subject)


15) Landscape 

(Any scenary and landscape photo work or architecture photo work)


Video Categories:

16) Wedding Video (Wedding Day Highlight)

(Wedding day video highlights, covering an actual wedding day, with all or at least the majority of shots taken during the wedding day. Which captures the scenes and emotions of the day to reflect the real situation.The focus is on showcasing the scene and emotions of the day.) 


17) Creative Wedding Concept Video

(The shot for wedding may include proposal videos, wedding dress highlights, the couple's love story, behind-the-scenes footage of wedding preparations, and wedding trailers. Creative wedding videos can be shot on the wedding day or before and after the wedding, and usually emphasize artistry and storytelling. These types of videos may include specially shot scenes, creative video effects, music, and more to create a beautiful visual story.)


18) Commercial Video

(Other short films commercial short films, advertising and promotional videos)


19) Documentary Video 

(Videos not related to wedding , limited to realistic stories, humanities, travel scenery, etc.) 


Entry Fee:

AsiaWPA members and non-members from all countries are welcomed to submit your work to this stunning international competition.


- submit and pay for the next 5 entries and get 1 more free (i.e. the 6th entries are free)

- submit and pay for the next 10 entries and get 2 more free (i.e. the 6th and 12th entries are free)

- submit and pay for the next 15 entries and get 3 more free (i.e. the 6th, 12th and 18th entries are free) 

(same rule applies to additional entries: pay 5 and get the next 1 free)


摄影类别 Photography Categories



Submission Fee

US$17 (会员) / US$32 (非会员)

US$17 (member) /US$32 (non-member)


摄录类别 Videography Categories:


Submission Fee

US$45 (会员) / US$65 (非会员)

US$45 (member) /US$65 (non-member)



Photography Categories:

Size – no less then 3000 pixels by the longest dimension

Resolution – no less than 200 dpi

Format – JPEG file format

Color Profile – sRGB



Category 3 - Bride & Groom Together (Original) & Category 4 - Bride or Groom Single (Original) :

For each photo entry, the Entrant must submit both (i) the original RAW file, (ii) .xmp raw settings file and (iii) a JPEG output file for verification. Acceptable adjustments to the RAW file are limited to the following 4 settings only: (1) exposure (2) saturation (3) contrast (4) colour temperature. Other adjustments, retouching, composition, cropping and changes are not allowed, and would result in disqualification of the photo entry.


Video Categories:

You are required to upload your video entries on your Youtube / Vimeo / Youku or other similar public online video platform. You are only required to send us the public link to your video entries. Do not upload or email us the video files. If we have difficulties in having access to your video entries, we will require you to upload your videos to another public online video platform.

All videos submitted and uploaded must at least be of 720p quality, preferably 1080P quality.

Lengthy of each video entry: The minimum length is 30 seconds. The maximum length is 7 minutes.

Video cover image must be provided. [Suggest 800px (W) x 450px (H)]



General Rules :

– Submit your entries and pay the relevant entry fees on https://contest.asiawpa.com.

– There is no limit to the amount of entries one can submit. You must have captured and created the original photo or video footage within the last 24 months prior to the date of entry deadline.

– You must be the photographer / videographer who actually shot and created the photos and videos, and you must have full rights and received all necessary approval to submit the photos/videos to this competition. You confirm that you have obtained any necessary model release from all the people appearing in the photos and videos. 

– You confirm and undertake that you have the full power and authority to submit the photos/videos, and that the photos/videos including the use of any music and graphic design therein do not infringe any copyright or any other intellectual property rights. The entrant agrees to indemnify AsiaWPA from any and all third party claims.

– A photo or video entry may only be submitted for one competition. In other words, an entry submitted previously cannot be submitted again. This also means that a photo/video entry cannot be submitted for both the 1st and 2nd Half Competitions. If so, the latter entry will be disqualified.

– No photos or videos taken at a photography or videography class, workshop or seminar or under the guidance of an instructor are eligible to be entered into the competition

– AsiaWPA has the full right to disqualify or re-categorize any submitted photos and videos if the basic requirements are not met. AsiaWPA may also deduct scores or even disqualify any photos or videos submitted if they, in the view of the Judging Panel, contain racism or obscene, bad-taste, provocative, child porn / child nudity or otherwise inappropriate content.

– All entry fees paid are not refundable and not transferrable under all circumstances, except for the conditions expressly stated in “Rights & Liability – Right to Suspend or Cancel Competition”. In particular, if entry fees have already been paid for photos or videos which are not submitted online through www.asiawpa.com on or before the designated submission deadline, the aforesaid paid entry fees with respect to those entries (but not yet submitted) are not refundable.


-Prohibition of Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools

Participants are not allowed to submit any images or videos that have been generated by artificial intelligence (AI). This includes images or videos created using any AI-powered tools or software that generate content.

All submissions must be original works created by the participant themselves in person. Any use of AI-generated images or videos will result in disqualification from the competition.

The competition aims to showcase the creativity and skill of person photographers, and the use of AI-generated content goes against this goal. We encourage all participants to showcase their own personal unique concept and ideas in their submissions.

– The Guidelines and Rules herein may be changed or modified by AsiaWPA without prior notice.


For a full privacy policy of AsiaWPA, please visit the following link:




95-100 Superior Best work based on all skills and creativity; amazing work of art

90-94 Outstanding Outstanding skills and creativity

80-89 Excellent Wonderful use of photography skills

76-79 Good Good use of photography skills

70-75 Average Attained professional standards, improvement is needed in photography skills

60-69 Below Average Below professional standards

Judging results from AsiaWPA and the Judging Panel are final and non-contestable.

You agree that AsiaWPA may use your name, submitted photos and videos, contact information in any publicity or advertising relating to the competition without compensation or approval. All local taxes, fees and surcharges on prizes are the sole responsibility of the prize winners. In the event that any winner of any prize is ineligible or refuses the prize, the prize will be forfeited and AsiaWPA is not obliged to the prize to another entrant.


AsiaWPA International Competitions     

Each year AWPA organises two photography & videography competitions: 1st & 2nd Half International Photography & Videography Competitions. The competitions open during April and September each year.

To advance to a higher level of Membership Tier, a member shall participate in the 1st & 2nd Half International Photography & Videography Competitions and accumulate certain AsiaWPA Award Points required for each year. 


AsiaWPA Award Points are awarded as follows:

First Place – 5 points
Second Place – 3 points
Third Place – 2 points
Excellence Award (entries scoring over 80) – 1 points

A photo or video entry may only be submitted for one competition. In other words, an entry submitted previously cannot be submitted again. This also means that a photo/video entry cannot be submitted for both the 1st and 2nd Half Competitions. If so, the latter entry will be disqualified and there will be no refund of any fees.

Final Judging & AsiaWPA Annual Awards

At the end of each year, all photo/video entries in the 1st & 2nd Half Competitions winning an Excellence Awards or above will AUTOMATICALLY enter the Annual Final Judging held in November/December. During the Final Judging, all winning photos/videos during the 1st & 2nd Half Competitions will be reviewed again.

For each category, AsiaWPA Annual Awards will be granted as follows:

Grand Award (only one in each category)- Best work based on all skills and creativity; amazing work of art

Gold Awards – Outstanding skills and creativity

Silver Awards – Excellent use of photography/videography skills

Bronze Awards – Very Good use of photography/videography skills


Grand Award (only one in each category) – Award Trophy 

Gold Awards – Award Medals

Silver Awards – Award Medals

Bronze Awards – Award Medals

Award trophies and medals will be presented to winners during AsiaWPA Annual Award Ceremony to be held in early 2024.


AsiaWPA Membership Tiers
Starting from 2017, AsiaWPA adopts a new system of Membership Tier to motivate our members to improve and challenge themselves for a higher level of skills and techniques.

Details about earning points and winning awards in AsiaWPA Competitions as well as Annual Final Judging may be found below.


The various AsiaWPA Membership Levels are as follows:

AsiaWPA Grand Master
AsiaWPA Master
Grand Elite Member
Elite Member
Ordinary Member


Members are advanced based on their accumulated AsiaWPA Award Points + AsiaWPA Annual Awards won during the Annual Final Judging:

AsiaWPA Grand Master: 100 points + 10 Gold Awards + at least 1 Grand Award
The most prestige title of AsiaWPA. Requires absolutely amazing and flawless skills, creativity and art sense. Truly a master and leader in the industry. Whilst very difficult to obtain this title, it is possible to achieve with a lot of effort and talent.

AsiaWPA Master Photographer: 60 points + 5 Gold Awards 
Equipped with outstanding and creative skills, an AsiaWPA Master demonstrates exceptional craftsmanship through his/her stunning work. A title difficult to obtain without years of experience and effort. Being an AsiaWPA Master, he/she would be invited to speak and share in AsiaWPA’s events organised in various Asian cities. He/she may also be invited to act as a judge in AsiaWPA competitions.

Grand Elite Member: 30 points + 2 Gold Awards or 5 Silver Awards (or above) or 10 Bronze Awards (or above)
A higher level of Elite Members, that requires constant excellence performance in AsiaWPA Competitions. Being a Grand Elite Member, he/she may be invited to speak and share in AsiaWPA’s events organised in various Asian cities.

Elite Member: 10 points
Specific profile pages on www.asiawpa.com for Elite Members and above. An Elite Member demonstrates excellence skills and techniques. Being an Elite Member, he/she may be invited to speak and share in AsiaWPA’s events organised in various Asian cities.

Ordinary Member: 0-9 points
Lowest membership tier. To apply please click HERE.


Important: To accumulate AsiaWPA Award Points and to maintain recognition of your membership tier title, you must maintain your AsiaWPA membership by paying the basic annual membership fee.

Each year we also invite some international renowned photographers to provide expert advice, act as competition judges and share their techniques with our members.